Woke up and heard the rain falling, thought oh well maybe we will have our first full day of rain, gotta happen some time.
Got a photo of the Bublitz family, Sally, Dave, Izzy and Matilda. Also me and Smithzzz jumped in for the shot. Thank you so much for flying up Smithzz to hang out with us all for a couple of days, so awesome!!! And a huge thankyou to Sal and Dave for looking after us so well and feeding us some amazing food. Master BBQ Chief Dave making magic with a leg of lamb and Sally doing the other magic in the kitchen.
We now have a new crew member Sarah, one of Rick’s friends. Sarah is with us for 3-4 days so finally Rick won’t have to talk to himself. Sarah was amazing with the girls too which was great to see. They just loved her. Thank you for fitting in straight away and for wanting to be a part of our adventure.
We all met up at the Windw and on the waterfront at 8:30am and started our 49km. We had a great little group with the Muffinman, Megan, Jolle, Sally B and Smithzzz. Also had Billi, Sam and their kids come down to see us off. Dave, Izzy and Matida were there of course with huge goodbye hugs for us. xx I’ll be back for a boogie in the kitchen when I’m done girls. I promise!!
The rain wasn’t too much, more like a mist kinda and I was feeling super recharged and keen to run after my day off.
Like always I made everyone walk for 15mins just so I can warm up and not break into it too fast. Sally ran out 5km before leaving us to run the 5km back, awesome work Sal, we never thought we would ever run together up NZ. The Muffinman was on the bike and cruised a good 10km before heading back to work. Thank you so much for our yummy muffins and showing me who you were, as I had no idea where they came from.
Then it was me, Megan and Smithzzz. Megan has crewed for Lisa Tamati on heaps of her missions and then has done a few herself including one over the Sahara Desert. Amazing and awesome to see them out there doing crazy runs/adventures. So great to meet you Megan and thank you for taking the time to run me out of time. x
Just after that Lisa Tamati who was heading to Auckl and dropped in to say a quick hi which I was stoked about. Thanks again Lisa. xx
Then it was me and Smithzzz until Raylene who was out on her own run came and joined us for a few km, herself doing runs all over the world and I loved hearing her stories. Thanks Raylene.
Then I lost Smithzzz, but after he ran 60kms with me when I was coming past Chistchurch I let him go early. He went back when Rick was heading back to get my new New Balance shoes that had just arrived. I have been scuffing my heels alot and even with the shoe looking like new and feeling great, having a big angle on the back just throws my ankle out and I don’t need anything going wrong now. I love my NB 1080’s. So comfortable!!!!!! Check them out.
With rain falling and now alone I thought maybe I’ll stretch it out a bit. I was feeling great so got into a nice rhythm and cruised up the road. Getting out of the city and in the valleys was great.
Still getting heaps of support and me still waving to almost every car I was happy. Tonight we are staying right on the ocean side in a great old home called the “Castle” – such an awesome old place. Big thanks to my cuz Billi and Sam for helping us find this place.
Got some hills tomorrow and then we start heading right back into the middle of the North Isl and towards Taupo way. Can’t wait to see what will come and meet us along the way.
Today’s Route – Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 42 – New Plymouth to Uruti (Mangahia Rd)