Today I set off with 59km to go until I could enjoy a day off. I knew there were hills but nothing was going to upset me. Mum was working up in Kaikoura today and dropped in some food to feed Rick. He can eat that boy. I suppose what else do you do while driving 8kms an hour?
I keep forgetting to charge my ipod so Rick went to work and sorted me some tunes, bit of duck tape and I was back in my happy place. Once I made my way up the hills I finally got over and saw the sea. I had been waiting for that view.
When I knew I had no more hills I was so happy. It is a special place here along this coast, I’m looking forward to just cruising along it.
Stopped in for a coffee at the Lure cafe before setting off on the last 20 kms. We had heaps of people stopping and saying hi/ donating and going past clapping which makes me smile heaps and charges me up with good feelings. Thank you all so much.
At 10km from the end Kevin came along and ran with me. I met him yesterday on the road and he had asked me if he could join me – of course bro I said, and he turned up. Thanks so much for taking the time out.
Running past the golf club I was getting real happy as it was only 3kms to go. I could taste the crayfish that I had been dreaming of.
Once into Kaikoura our day/week was done and we had done 400kms, not bad aye. No time to waste we were off to the hospital as yesterday we had had another call from the X-ray doctor saying I need a cast on my thumb, which we went and got tonight. Now I gotta run with one heavy arm that don’t bend much.
I’m real happy with how this week has gone, how everyone is cheering us along, people helping out, all the hotels and places we have stayed – thank you all so much.
We’ve got the day off tomorrow and I plan to do nothing really… Reply to some emails that I have been sent by people wanting to join me on the road. Huge thanks to Rick for another great week as my super crewman, legend bro.
Today’s route – Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 23 Spotswood to Kaikoura