Still buzzing from having Nick running with me for the last 7 kms yesterday I then had a think about the mission ahead of me today. Frankton to Wanaka over the Crown Range. Yep over the highest pass in NZ and running it, what was I thinking when I thought of that one.
We set off at 8am and headed around Lake Hayes which was looking awesome as always, then to the bottom of my hardest run yet. Let’s be honest – NO I didn’t run all the way, and YES I walked on the steep bits.
It was a magic day with the sun out and no wind, so up I went. My sister Amber was in for some more pain and jumped out with me and came all the way to the top, awesome effort. Just before the top we had a visit from Lucy who works for the ODT newspaper and we got some nice photos and did a interview while walking.
Then I hit the top. Couldn’t help but be happy but was pretty rooted as I hadn’t used the mountain climbing muscles on this mission yet so was a little sore. Then came the down and it went a long way which used heaps of other muscles so by the time I got to the Cardrona Hotel I was hurting. Thanks to Jonny for running with me down the hill.
Our lunch was donated by the Cardrona Hotel – a huge thank you for that – and it was out for the last 25km of this 63km day. As I was hurting it was perfect that my uncle Grenville, Nick and Jarrod had come out from Wanaka to run the last 25km with me. Oh and Amber the dog was along for a run too. My dad Ronnie turned up too down the road which was awesome just to have him there while I ran in.
We boxed on and the 3 boys were helping me get through the pain all the way, can’t thank them enough. And then 5km out Rick and Jonny had the tunes blasting in the van and I thought get my ipod and get in my world of music, and I got a huge boost of energy and was off. My pace jumped up and I felt great and smashed the last 5km to the Lone Star just outside of town where we meet a group of locals. One Australian lady, who had seen us earlier in the day joined us and the local Fire Brigade ( thanks Garth) had the fire trucks there to escort us in to town.
With the lights and siren going me and my great running friends ran in to the centre of town – everyone who was having a beer got up and clapped and cheered us in. I was so stoked to have this happen, made my whole day, and was glad I had gone through all the pain as it just felt that much better.
I can’t say thank you enough to everyone there who then put their h ands in pockets and raised $335 in about 5 mintues for someone they didn’t even know was coming. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Then after a mouth full of beer I headed for the lake to cool the legs off and damn was it cold but felt great kinda and I’m feeling a bit better already now. After being filled up by a free meal at Lone Star, I’m looking forward to a good sleep and day off tomorrow.
Todays mammoth route – Zoom out to see the big range I ran over…
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Day Six- Queenstown/Frankton to Wanaka