Today marks the start of New Zeal and Stroke Week
Last night we stayed at the Kingston Motels and it was great. Very very welcoming. Thank you so much John and Catherine.
My sister Amber and her Hubby Jonny came down early to meet us at 8:30am and we ran the first 10km together. Then they helped with the driving for a bit before doing a tag team relay and ran 1km each on and off for 10 km. So cool to have them with me.
As you can see in these photos it was a primo day! Sun shining on us and not much wind at all which made for some fun times. We did 48km today.
Me and Amber in this one, so awesome to have my sis with me. Then as I was going along I found an All Blacks flag on the side of the road. Now it’s in our van for the trip, come on boys!!!!
Along the way I had a visit from Osama Bin Laden. He did a few km with me – who said he was dead, he was just hangin out in Qtown.
At the Frankton bridge Aaron, Nick and Nicola joined us to run the 7 kms into Queenstown. Aaron pushed Nick the whole way and it was SO GREAT to have Nick beside me. Nice work Aaron, that must have been hard.
Nick was telling me and Aaron to hurry up but hard to go fast when the view is like this.
A couple of km from the finish Judith from the Dunedin Stroke Office came and ran home with us, so here we are all finishing together. So much fun and thank you all so much .
The Slaves Mark and Dave came to meet us and Loz had made a super double sided sign up to welcome us in. Thanks for bringing down a few friends and great to see you all again. Just what I needed to top off a sic day.
NIck and his beautfiul lady Nicola, love that smile bro.
I was super lucky today and Debs from Queenstown Physio donated a massage for my broken body. Huge thankyou to Debs!!!!
Then we all went out for dinner at the Speights Ale House – great feed. Me and Rick were so hungry. The staff came over and gave us their tips for the night as donations. SO nice of them and thank you so much!!!!
So you can see the amazing support we are getting and that is making this huge mission a fun thing to do. Please everyone come be a part of this and let’s do it TOGETHER.
Sleep time big day tomorrow xx
Today’s Route: Zoom out to see where I ran today
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Day Five – Kingston to Queenstown Running with Nick