Today I was up at 4:20am to leave home at 5. I had a long drive south, first I went to Dunedin from Wanaka. This is the sun rise near Roxburgh…
OUR TEXT DONATION LINE IS LIVE!!!!! Just text the word ” STROKE ” to 5339 to give an instant $3 donation!!!!!! Easy as bro.
In Mosgiel I stopped in and met Jason at NZ Honey Co. They have hooked me up with some of their Honey Blackcurrant and Honey Lemon drinks which are so tasty. I got a box full to get me through the first 2 weeks. Go down to the health shop and pick yourself up a bottle, you mix it with hot or cold water and it is so yummy. Thank you to Peter and Jason for their support. http://www.newzeal
Then onto Dunedin to meet with Judith at the Stroke Foundation. She has been busy getting things going in Dunedin.
After that I picked up Rick (our cameraman extraordinaire) and we loaded up his gear and headed to meet Nick Chisholm at the gym. Nick was working out hard as always and we got a few photos and had a chat. Nick is always in training at Skyfitness in Moray Place Dunedin – you should see him workout. Phil and his team are great people and will help you get in shape and have fun at the same time…
Running out of time we headed south for Invercargill where we met S andi also from the Stroke Foundation who gave us some donation buckets for us to use along the way. S andi has also been working hard telling everyone, and she is also joining me with her 2 kids when we run into Winton. Awesome!
Then Bluff was next to get the Stewart Isl and Experience ferry over to Stewart Isl and. Not sure how we made it in such good time but had an hour up our sleeves to enjoy the Bluff sun and get the van into some kinda order and pack for the 2 day trip to Stewart.
The lovely team at Stewart Isl and Experience have donated the fee of the ferry to us and I can’t say thanks enough. I’m told I have to run a few laps of the back of the boat when I run, so looking forward to that. Lucky it is only 5m by 4m, so not a big ask. Thank you so much.
A couple of shots leaving Bluff…
Then a couple in Halfmoon Bay on arrival…
We then checked to our kindly donated by “South Seas Hotel” room here in Halfmoon Bay where we had an awesome feed for dinner. So nice the food here – you gotta come and try it. Stewart Isl and is Primo!!!!
Long day, so dead on my feet. Big sleep tonight to get ready to meet the kids at the Halfmoon Bay school in the morning. First school of many I hope to visit along the way.
Trip down to Stewart Isl and