100km marathon in Iwate Japan, to support Tsunami affected area

12th June, 4am start , 100kms to go and off I go. Not knowing anything about the run at all I started to run with in the first 20 kms I was thinking well this could be a long day. As i get into my stride for the day the hill started and it just keep on going up. 15kms later and yes a bit of walking I get to what I thought was the top only to find more ups and downs which slowly cut me down and I was at a walk at 78kms thinking I arent going to make it today. Not wanting to give up I what I thought was power walking trying to get to the next cut off point of 85.5kms but as It came to 4pm and cut off time I was still 2 kms short and the bus came pass to say “sorry thats it for the day” but I was on a mission to make the 85km mark so I boxed on at my near crawling pace. legs and calfs were killing me but didnt want to stop until I wasnt aloud too. so at 4.30 I boarded the bus and headed to the finish line not the way that I had set out to do.
But never to mind as I learnt some things and felt some feelings and yes pain that will help me in future runs of this 100km or longer length.
I was invited by a new friend Mr Domon from SEV ATHLETEDEVICE who I had meet a day before I went to Nepal and he introduced me to this team of great friends who made me feel part of the team. I was yet again in the middle of a group of people who are doing amazing things in their work and free time .
I really enjoyed the 2 days I was with everyone and are looking forard to catching up with you all again soon.
Not to left un finished I will go back to Iwate and take on the hills again next year.
Thankyou very much and best of luck my new family in Iwate!!!!!

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.