
Day 57, Nakasato to Asakawa ( Fukushima)

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Today I was feeling super refreshed and the sun was out so I thought I would run 10km at a time to see how I feel, It went sweet as. We were heading into Fukushima Prefecture which I was excited about as thats where I lived when Im in Japan. I left Inawashiro 2 months ago and to be almost back again is a huge thing for me. I really know I are getting some where.
As I left Ibaraki and entered Fuksuhima I was listening to some music and one of my favorite tunes came on that I had listened to in NZ while running and it almost made me cry, Im so happy to be here and have made it this far. Everyday is a new challenge and I are keeping strong. And most of all Happy!
There was a few funny things I found today along the way and also the clouds were pretty cool today.

I ran a smooth 58kms today in real good time too. Running 10kms at a time does for some reason make it go quicker so I will keep it up so me and shingo have more time to chill and enjoy where we are everyday.
Here is Shingo hard at work .

Just as we finished we meet up with Yaginuma san from Fukushima Minpo Newspaper and did a little interview, Great to get some support as soon as we got in to Fukushima. Thankyou so much.

Here is the map of todays run    Click Here

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.