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Rain Rain and more rain was what our day was. It was nice to let the sunburnt arms get a rest from the sun but it also means I are wet to the bum for the day when it rains.
But when it is the day before your day off and its the day you hit the 2000km mark nothing is going to stop you. Yep I went over the 2000km mark today just after I ran though a tunnel for 3kms and got told off by the tunnel patrol as you weren’t aloud to so they told me, Haha I missed the sign on the way in and they had been calling me on the loudspeaker but I couldn’t hear because of the cars flying past me. Not sure why you can’t walk or run this tunnel as it was one of the safer ones I have been in. They had the patrol car going along beside me with the lights on use incase I fell off. Funny shit. no way I was getting in the car as I was almost out when they found me. They let me go so all was good. Cheers boys.
Today was a 50km day and should have been a awesome day with views of Mt Fuji the whole day but as the rain was here to stay we saw nothing . Shame but it will clear.
As it wasn’t a beautiful day me and shingo didnt get any photos just the one of when I made 2000kms. I thought I would show you some of the work done by Jacci Ingham one of my amazing sponsors. Jacci lives in Darwin in Australia and well apart from WOW there isn’t much I can say about these shots but just check them out for yourself. There are so many more so go check them out at
Here is the shot of when I made 2000kms, Im half way now and super stoked to be here, I have worked hard to get here on time and to my plan, Found and pushed new levels in myself which I happy about too but still really want and miss that support of everyone out on the road. Its here in the computer and emails from everyone which is amazing now I just hope the word can get out that little bit more to make it more fun on the road. Thats what it is all about, Smiles and People.
This is the view that was hiding behind the clouds today and I hope we will get back tomorrow or the day after. Mt Fuji
Yesterday I forgot and a big sorry to Ochiai san as he sent them to me straight away as well but with his great work we got in 2 newspapers while we came into Shizuoka prefecture.
I want to send a huge hi to the boys at RM Plumbing who I have worked with as a plumber in Western Australia on and off over the last couple of years. Hope all is going at Mooka and miss you all guys, Thanks to Mudge and Sam for helping me out so much always. Ill be back soon to finish off the Harnessing. Check out there site http://rmplumbing.com.au/
Here is the map of todays run Click Here