
Day 30, Takehara to Innoshima

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Me and dad woke to the sound of rain but this kombi wasn’t worried, I put on my jacket and set off to find a hill straight up, I had thought there could be a climb as I was taking a kinda short cut which normally have a hill in them, Not to bad and that was it for the day in climbs. It was nice in the hills and then the rest of the day was along the ocean and in the traffic, there were heaps of people out today and millions of bikes around.
As we came into Onomichi I saw this sign of the isl ands that we are about to go though, pretty cool aye, they are almost all linked and there is a 70 odd km bike course that you go ride. I will be running most of it.

This is a couple of shots of the run into Onomichi, we had some lunch and well just had to drop into Mr Donuts for a treat. Dad had to try them, I know Amber will be wishing she was here now, SO yummy.
The run over the bridges and around the isl ands is pretty nice, You get to see a lot of things along the way.This is the first big bridge that I ran over and I was running under the road of the cars, just for walkers,bicycles and small motorbikes. Great little course and easy as.

Then I l anded on Innoshima isl and which was the goal for the day, Dad had driven ahead and well had missed a couple of turns here and there but was doing so great as he doesn’t speak Japanese and has never driven here ever, I put in him the seat and say follow this number road and turn left here and there , He takes off and as soon as I get around the first corner the road isn’t what I thought or what the map said and it all goes pear shaped but he has come out fine and found me after a few laps trying to sort out where he is, funny as. I was about to ask the police to help me go find him( not that he was super lost) and then he would come cursing around the corner smiling, MIss that turn Juppy , awesome fun.
A few more shots from today

This evening my great friend Itaru came up from Matsuyama to see us, He use to come to Wanaka skiing and had the 2 hrs trip up to have dinner with us. Hs 6 month old boy Rui was so awesome, so awesome to meet his wife and boy, Thankyou so much for coming up bro.
A shot of me and dad from last night, the owner of the hotel had shouted us a beer and it was like a stein of beer each . lots of little perks.
Today I ran 49kms and the back was fine, still taking it easy but I think it is going to be right. So stoked about that.
A girl Nahomi has come up to run with me from Beppu in Oita prefecture, she saw us in the newspaper but we had pasted her town so she bussed up and will run tomorrow . Keen running by the sounds of it, So awesome to have to kinda support. Thankyou so much Nahomi.
Here is the map of todays run   Click here

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.