
July 18th Listel to Tokyo for last appointments before India Tomorrow

I was first planning to leave last night and get to tokyo but things have been taking a little bit longer than always or I are just going slower than always  so I only got to Fukushima as I had to return Zun’s van back. SO I stayed at his office and went out for dinner with my great friend Yoko who I had worked with 3 yrs ago at the world champs that where held in Inawashiro.
Then this morning I was on the Bullet train at 8.20am and off to the big smoke. A quick 1hr 50 trip.
The other night I found this pool on Facebook and I had to show you as it is the same shape to the logo of Footmark who have been supporting our runs right from day 1. I get my Vskins tights from the other side of the company. The boss loved this pool and wants me to find out where it is so he can go there.

My first stop was to the Outl and Japan office again as my car stickers were there to pick up I have had them made up. Thanks again to Sara san for getting them sorted in such a short time.
I have dropped a couple of shots here of my gear, I wear these New Balance 1080 shoes which have been great and great to have NB Japan coming with us again . Also my new Suunto Ambit Watch , it is awesome   and I can’t wait to try it out .
I have been trying to get some caps made up with the sponsors logos on them , I have been struggling to find a badge making place and then I found these iron on sheets, So I have had Masuda san at Listel working hard to help me sort out the sizes and also with the printing out of them, I was short a couple so today I was running around trying to get them done. this is a temp one that I started with and the mess I had the hotel room in as I was hard at work, I got them finished at 1.30am but super happy to get them done. I hope now I can get some more photos with the sponsors in them.
Then Shimamura san from Mojo Coffee came around and dropped off our Mojo team tees. We nay met the other day and with Mojo being a New Zeal and Coffee br and and their team been super nice we hit it off and have joined up to help each other out. They are just into Japan and wiring hard to get things going here. So Stoked for Mojo to come here.
They also bring in this NZ Raw honey which is in thes egret little packs which is perfect for my running too, Great sugar in Honey and I will take them to India with me , Just hope I can get them in the country.
SO it is now 2.15am but I had to get these blogs up before we head to India tomorrow , I fly at 13.50pm and can’t wait, Mike Carter from Wanaka Home is coming and MIchele from Germany to be my awesome crew, We all are flying tomorrow so fun times to start soon,
I will be trying to keep updates going while we are there but they could be short ones, Photos will be going up on Facebook so check them out at     Jupbrown.
Thanks to everyone who has helped get us here. I havent been for a run since I finished on the 6th as I have ben trying to help the back get better, think it has a little bit, Im really keen to finish this race no matter what and will be giving it everything I have and then some. Come with us on this amazing trip. the views will blow you away I promise.
See you in India!!

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.